28th September 2022 In order to increase the scale and reach for our work it will be essential to collaborate with both commercial and non-commercial software developers and producers. In anticipation of the 'prototyping phase' we met recently with a senior representative from a major international supplier of statistical software. We are keen that the methods we are using (targeted learning and causal forests) are as accessible to other mental health researchers as possible. This will involve implementation in software that they are familiar with, and ideally the use of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) for those lacking coding skills. However, even if GUIs are used it is essential that the reproducibility of analyses are maintained and this was discussed at our recent meeting with an Industry representative.
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27 th September 2022 Welcome to the RAPPORT project blog! RAPPORT stands for Developing a R apid A I-based P olicy P robing and O bservational R esearch T ool The project is funded by Wellcome via their Mental Health Data Prize https://wellcome.org/grant-funding/schemes/wellcome-mental-health-data-prize I am really excited about this project. It is an amazing opportunity to apply and publicise new, powerful data science methods for mental health research. Thank you Wellcome! 😀 I am Paul Tiffin, the principal investigator (PI) for the project. Before I let the other team members introduce themselves let me give you an overview of the project: It’s important that treatments and health policies actually improve well-being and health. Sometimes well-intentioned healthcare interventions either don’t work for some groups of individuals, or can even cause unintended harms. Scientific research is vital if we are to have evidence over whether ...